Code of Conduct To Publications / Articles - Code of Conduct
Posted 8/6/18
Code of Conduct
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."
May this fruit be evident to each other, to our parish family, and to all those observing us.
For Teachers:
All teachers agree to respect the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and of the Sacred Scriptures.
Teachers will be well-prepared, knowledgeable, and will readily communicate with parents. They will provide each parent with a mid-semester progress report which will detail what they enjoy about each child first, then offer any suggestions for improvement if necessary.
They will recognize the inherent beauty in each of their students and make a daily effort to call forth each student's strengths.
They will strive to maintain peace within the classroom by creating a place of mutual respect they will not allow any foul or inappropriate language or gestures, lewd or suggestive remarks, or bullying to be tolerated. Teachers may use their judgment with regard to lesser issues such as students talking over one another, interrupting the lesson, etc. They will correct with patience fl,nd understanding. If the situation continues, the teacher, trying not to call attention to the negative behavior, will strive to resolve the issue by speaking with the student outside of the classroom. If the situation is still not resolved, and remains a disruption to the class, the parent will be called as a last resort.
For Parents:
Parents will recognize that this ministry is first and foremost a place of mutual servanthood. We are serving our children; we are serving our sisters (and brothers) in Christ. This ministry cannot be successful without everyone helping to shoulder some of the load. Please be as generous as possible with your time and availability.
Parents will recognize that the nature of our vocation as parents, especially homeschooling parents, often lends itself to the temptation to compare ourselves with others. That temptation is not of God, and is damaging to ourselves and our children. It is a goal of this ministry to create a place where we can be freed from that temptation. We will strive to create an environment where we can celebrate each other's successes without minimizing our own.
Parents agree to understand that this is a very human effort. The coordinators, teachers, and other parents will make mistakes. Please refrain from gossip, criticizing, or second-guessing. It's just not helpful. The coordinators will always be available by cell phone or text for any concerns. Additionally, there will be a Suggestion Box for those who prefer to remain anonymous. However, the rule for any anonymously-submitted comments/complaints is that they be submitted respectfully and in a spirit of cooperation. Please also understand that if you remain anonymous, we have no way of communicating how we have determined to resolve the situation.
Parents will agree to work diligently to help keep the classrooms and building neat and tidy. The parish is extremely generous in allowing us to utilize this beautiful facility- let's show our gratitude by leaving it as clean as or cleaner than we found it each day.
Parents agree that they will not berate, belittle, yell at, or spank their children in front of others. It makes those around very uncomfortable. If you feel that your child's behavior warrants such action, it is best to remove them from the situation and discipline them at home.
For Students:
Our students are saints in-training (emphasis on the in-training part). We must encourage perfection without requiring it. While all teachers and parents will extend as much grace as possible, students will be expected to practice charity towards other. This includes being respectful towards adults and fellow students, both in word and action. Any foul or inappropriate language or gestures, lewd or suggestive remarks, or bullying will not tolerated. Any student behaving in such a manner will be immediately removed from the classroom and parents will be notified.
Students will also be expected to respect the building and property that have been graciously donated for our use. Many other groups utilize these classrooms, so students will be diligent in keeping the rooms neat and tidy, and in a condition equal to or better than they found them.
Students will adhere to the dress code that has been established for the ministry. Students will not bring to class ANY electronics of ANY kind.
For All:
All participants will acknowledge that circumstances will inevitably arise which could not be foreseen by the program coordinators, and those circumstances will be addressed on a case by case basis. The primary goal of CHRSM facilitators in the resolution of any situation will always be to extend charity and grace. However, some circumstances will require measures that may not be satisfactory to all parties. We ask for your understanding and goodwill.